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mhd./ahd. wunder/wuntar engl. miracle, wonder
franz. miracle Gegenbegriffe
WortfeldKuriosum, Mirakel, Phänomen, Unerklärliches

Disziplinäre Begriffe


A. Primärmaterial

1749Zedler, Johann Heinrich: (Art.) Wunder, in: Grosses vollständiges Universal Lexicon aller Wissenschafften und Künste, Bd. 59, S. 962-1055.

B. Sekundärmaterial

Begriffsgeschichtliche Arbeiten

  • Barck, Karlheinz: (Art.) Wunderbar, in: Ästhetische Grundbegriffe, Bd. 6. Stuttgart; Weimar, 2005, S. 730-774.
  • Nanko, Ulrich: (Art.) Wunder, in: Handbuch religionswissenschaftlicher Grundbegriffe. Bd. V. Säkularisierung – Zwischenwesen. Hrsg. Hubert Cancik, u.a.. Stuttgart u.a., 2001, S. 386-389.
  • Schröder, W.: (Art.) Wunder, in: Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Hg. v. J. Ritter, K. Gründer u. G. Gabriel. Bd. 12, Basel, 2004, Sp. 1052 - 1071.

Sonstige Literatur

  • Arendt, Rudolph P.: Der Begriff des Wunders, besonders im Hinblick auf Bultmann und Kierkegaard. Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 12, 1970, S. 146-164.
  • Bermann, David: Hume and Collins on Miracles. In: Hume Studies 6, 1980, S. 150-154.
  • Bron, Bernhard: Das Wunder. Das theologische Wunderverständnis im Horizont des neuzeitlichen Natur- und Geschichtsbegriffs. Göttingen, 1975.
  • Daston, Lorraine u. Katherine Park: Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750. New York, 1998.
    • Rezension: Smith, Pamela H., Configurations 8/3, 2000, S. 419-423.
I experienced a curious sensation while reading this book on wonders: I felt as if I were reliving the last twenty years in the history of science, or, more honestly, reexperiencing the course of my own intellectual development. Almost twenty years ago to the day, I became really excited about the history of science by reading the reports of wonders and monsters in the early volumes of the Philosophical Transactions; for my senior thesis, however, my advisors steered me to the more acceptable topic of mathematics in the early years of the Royal Society. Some of the main themes of Daston and Park's book, such as humanist practice and the centrality of court society for legitimating the new philosophy, had, it seemed to me, leapt out at me from archival documents in Germany and Austria while I worked on my Ph.D. dissertation. Similarly, while I was in graduate school another important component of this book, Wunderkammern, or cabinets of curiosities, had suddenly appeared everywhere, and their transformation in the first half of the eighteenth century into vulgar waxworks and freak shows had seemed particularly significant in explaining a break between early…
  • Daston, Lorraine: Wunder, Beweise und Tatsachen. Zur Geschichte der Rationalität. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 2001. (Fischer-Tb, 14763)
  • Dear, Peter: Miracles, Experiments, and the Ordinary Course of Nature. Isis 81, 1990, S. 663-683. Vorschau
  • Holder, Rodney D.: Hume on Miracles: Bayesian Interpretation, Multiple Testimony, and the Existence of God. The Britsh Journal for the Philosophy of Sciences 49, 1998 S. 49-65.
Abstract: Hume's argument concerning miracles is interpreted by making approximations to terms in Bayes's theorem. This formulation is then used to analyse the impact of multiple testimony. Individual testimonies which are ‘non-miraculous’ in Hume's sense can in principle be accumulated to yield a high probability both for the occurrence of a single miracle and for the occurrence of at least one of a set of miracles. Conditions are given under which testimony for miracles may provide support for the existence of God.
  • Kleine, Christoph Winfried Thiel, Michael Becker, Bernd Kollmann, Martin Ohst. Jan Štefan u. Thomas Klie: Art.: Wunder. In: Theologische Realenzyklopädie. Hg. von Gerhard Müller. Bd. XXXVI. Berlin, 2004. S. 378-415.
  • Le Goff, Jacques: Das Wunderbare. In: Ders.: Phantasie und Realität des Mittelalters. Stuttgart, 1990. S. 39-78.
  • Reines, Alvin J.: Maimonides‘ concept of miracles. Hebrew Union College Annual 45, 1874, S. 243-285.
  • Schwann, Jürgen: Die Signatur des Vollkommenen. Anmerkungen zum Begriff des Wunderbaren. In: Das Wunderbare in der mittelalterlichen Literatur. Hg. von D. Schmidtke. Göppingen, 1994. S. 85-100.
  • Seleskovic, Momcilo T.: Das Wunder. Eine Kritik des Begriffs der Metaphysik. In: Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik 8, 1929, S. 265-285.
  • Siebert, Donald T. Jr.: Johnson and Hume on Miracles. Journal of the History of Ideas, 36.3 (1975) S. 543-547. Vorschau
  • Splett, Jörg: Hegel über das Wunder. Theologie und Philosophie 41, 1966, S. 520-535.
  • Stahl, Karl-Heinz: Das Wunderbare als Problem und Gegenstand der deutschen Poetik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt a. M., 1975.


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